
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


God works through time and especially people to restore his purpose and objectives for the world. I read in two different places today that God created the world for His glory. Is that like we buy a house for our glory? If someone tried to steal your front door what would you do? The question is how many houses do you need? We bring about His purpose every day because each one is created to do His will. Acceptance, there are things I cannot have. I am unique created to do something that no one else does. Makes no difference whether you are a princess, president, economist, teacher, housewife unemployed or homeless, when you die it all evaporates down to, how did you love? LOve means human rights, sharing, caring, generosity, kindness, equality, fairness and truth.
To confuse you more! There were ten plagues in Egypt.
Here are four for you to ponder over.
Water of the Nile turned to blood. (Exod.)
Boils and Sores on people and animals. (Exod.)
Hailstorm. (Exod.)
Darkness for three days. (Exod.)
Everything that happens in the bible happens in our world. When man disobeys God commands. What is going to wipe out the corruption in today's world?

1 comment:

  1. If anything wipes out the corruption in our world it would be the act of love. Not love for all the material things, but love for one another. I often wonder why people think they need millions of dollars and many homes to be happy, yet it is proof they are not happy because they aren't satisfied, they want even more. I believe it all boils down to greed. I really feel that a simple life is one that can unburden you the most. Adding love to it only completes it. It is too bad that that people are too blind to see this.
