
Friday, July 13, 2012


The glorious and radiant power of nature.
The beauty of the world
talks to me in many colourfull flowery voices.
Each shrub, herb, plant and flower stretch to touch the sky.
Flowers open up and spread their rich perfume around the earth.
Birds fly around the magnificent skies.
Nature is in full bloom so fresh and alive.
I ponder as I  walk along
the winding road that swings sharply
around the shoulder of the hill that skirts 
the field of barley,
my footsteps lead me to the seashore.
The beauty that
surrounds me!
Hear my groan I crave to experience lots more.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The largest gathering in the world left town Monday.
The 50th International Eucharistic Congress.
Over 80,000 thousand people 
attended each day the events which lasted one week,
mass, talks, seminars, workshops and processions.
It included a separate ecumenical youth section
with a programme focused on that age group. The Church is the
largest multinational in the world with over a billion members.
If you want to survive in business growth is necessary,
you have to become a multinational.
All multinationals have massive issues to solve.
Can a mumtinational grow out of control?
In Johns gospel it says
the wind blows the Spirit in all directions.     

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I searched for wisdom the Spirit led me to the Bible.

You cannot comprehend the New Testament
without first understanding the Old Testament.

God has wisdom so much that  I may never understand.  
To know God is Wisdom.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The blood of my mother and father flows through my veins.
I hear nothing from them now, adieu, R.I.P.
They are happy in the other world.
How much of them and what little bits of
past generations exist in my body?
That is all a silent secret.
The Summer Sun kissed me.

Monday, May 14, 2012


I am busy working on the  The Law of Acceptance.
Life is colourfull and sparkles but it stings.

Everything is as it should be.
I am always evolving whether
my mood is somber of joyful.
Each mood fulfills a purpose.

I may not get what I want.  I am part of a evolutionary process
(I can't see it). History tells us that this is a fact.
Read the past that shares a silent secret.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


In life because nothing is permanent.
Everything is in a queue changing or will change
in the future. Hey don't you know when your brother of sister
is telling you a blue lie? Those unforgettable school days will
remain until our last breath but those joyful relationships ended
when we left school. The only certainty in life
is I will die, when, where, or how I do not know.. The unknown
is there all the time. God guide me as I walk into the unknown and
fill me with courage and wisdom to choose wisely.

Friday, April 20, 2012


God has created me for a purpose. I am unique. He has 
commissioned some definite work for me and something else 
for you. There are times that I feel lost in this world.
I think I hear a whisper, guidance a vibration
from above.
I may never fully understand what my purpose is but 
I am necessary to fulfill His plan. 
My part may be very small, middle of the road or big.
It may be a journey of joy or full of suffering. I am a link 
on a chain. I connect with another to exchange knowledge 
though I may never meet that person a second 
time during my life. 
I remember everyone that I have ever met. 
God creates everyone for His purpose. He is the director
of our journey. Do you support those who have plenty
or do you support those who need support or say
"that is good enough for you?"

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The Bible tells us we cannot put our trust in humans. I agree
humans will fail us. The depth of the pain reaches the marrow.
We are left feeling hurt and unhappy until we forgive.
God steps in to make possible what is impossible by humans.
"What is impossible with men is possible with God" Luke 18.27

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Scripture tells us that we are all weak and imperfect,
"the upright falls seven times" (Prov 24:16).
Why are we on earth? One very good reason is to help each
other especially those who need help.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Jeremiah "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
before you came to birth I consecrated you."
It's as if our life journey is predestined by God.