
Thursday, September 24, 2009


MY friend who is an animals lover went to the local church a few weeks ago and asked the Revd Don to preform a memorial service for his pet cat. “No, certainly not for dead cats, try the church next door.” He rejected my friend and his dead cat. Revd Don was very choosy the cat was not good enough nor upmarket enough. When my wealthy friend was leaving he said, “pity my cat came to church with me every weekend. My cat was a Christian, I was going to offer you twenty thousand sterling for your new building.” When Revd Don heard those words, his ego died.
During this week my focus will be upon, how I judge people.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My editor has emigrated to a sunnier climate far away from computers. His life has changed for the better, superb man and a great friend. I wish him well.
I am looking for a new editor. Any of you like to volunteer? Very simple really, if you notice that there is an s missing or something spelled incorrectly or you may have an idea; let me know via email. Spell check does not always pick up errors. Don't let fear hold you back.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Words are powerful. They can harm, hurt, encourage or build up. Words can slice you in half and scald you ; there remains an open neurological wound. Why did that person give unwanted advice. They spoke no rays of encouragement.
Today, as I ponder over all the times my words may have unintentionally hurt another, for any pain or suffering that may have caused, I am truly sorry.
Let you this week evaluate your own words and try not to speak to soon, or give unwanted advice. Let your words be those of support, truth, encouragement and build up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I am focusing this week on having reverence for the gift of my life. Thank God for all that I have both internally and externally. Fill me with health, courage, strength, fortitude and wisdom.