
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am strolling around my garden, the brilliant midday sun is warming my head and illuminating all around me. It is comforting and enjoyable. I am experiencing glorious moments, and allowed a glimpse of Divine power in action. It whispers echoes, of supreme creative magical moments far above the ability, fortune, power and mind of man. This is my eye meeting God's eye, and being aware of Divine rays shining on and touching me.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Love is all around. Don't get stuck for long periods in doubt or scarcity. Love is walking, talking, touching, moving, laughing, smiling, smelling, tasting, seeing and dreaming. Love is observing the gardener, busily working in his garden, filling it with trees, hedges, flowers and vegetables. It is observing the mother interact with her children. Love is observing people as they go about their daily chores. Love is listening to and speaking the truth. Love is the mind working, reading, learning, creating, and producing. Love is looking at the sun rise as the darkness steals away. Love is the sun dropping joy on me. Love is the wind that will never stop. It is the air that I breathe. Love is accepting everyone, not just a few. Love is singing, humming or meditating. Love has no end. Love is simplicity. I am part of this great symphony.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Lies, lies and more lies. Have you told many lies? A few thousand? A lie is false information given to another person with the intention of deceiving. There are small lies and big lies. Lots of big lies told over time have the ability to bring down a nation. That is why we are experiencing a financial blackout, a troubled economy and the collapse of the building boom. The lies got bigger and bigger, until they ran out of control. Cracks and crevices appeared in the foundation. Time is running out! It's time for self-reflection into all parts of your life! I was very moved by a programme on terminal illness shown some time ago. On his death bed, this terminally ill man, spoke out about how he regretted, the suffering he inflicted on one of his friends. He wished that he was able to go to that person and say, he was sorry for his actions. The greatest examination of your life happens on your death bed, don't wait until then, do it now.! Don't forget that God is sovereign over everything.

Friday, March 13, 2009


A hundred thousand welcomes to Prayer Spa. People turn to prayer when their back is against the wall, in times of sickness, financial loss, and because of the numerous unforeseen life changing events that drop unexpectedly into their life. Perhaps you are getting up in the morning and facing a blank page. If you are feeling alone, rejected, fearful and lost, remember you are not alone for we live in a chaotic age. I have been through this tunnel. I understand what you are going through. I want to help you! Prayer was one ingredient, that helped me move out of the gloom, and to get on with my life. I went inwards to my spirit and soul. As you seek out wisdom for your life, you will get answers. In the hub of Prayer Spa, I hope that you will find a new strength, courage, peace, enjoyment and understanding. Enjoy!