
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Feeling down and sad, try this out. Visualise people from all the religions in the world praying and singing around you, nuns, choirs and monks. You will feel uplifted and find comfort, peace and power. Allow it to penetrate every minute part of your being. Cling to this sweetness.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Our spirit is always challenged. As we progress through life we crave a nest for comfort and to ease the burden. O God protect me and keep me safe. Hear my voice calling out; my hand knocking on your door; I lay, my petition before you and wait in expectation for an answer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


God Bless all who read this blog. Bless each with courage, hope, endurance, peace and calm. Little adjustments can reap huge rewards.


Earth work is demanding both mentally and physically. Prayer is the royal road to peace of mind. It's a nesting place for the body, mind and spirit.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Rise up, shake off the gloom.
Confusion is everywhere at once.
Nothing left to loose only to speak the truth.
Break the law and let out the secrets.
Move from the pain and suffering of gloomy news into a new school.
In a life where your heart cries to hear the truth.
Break free and take time to understand the songs of the world.
Give yourself permission to listen and gather enlightenment.
The mind has germinating power.
Allow wisdom to burst forth.
You and me are a guest on this earth of joy!

Friday, April 10, 2009


O God, descend plentifully into all areas of my life,
and there scatter thy cheerful beams.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


If you are thinking small mired by redundancy, or you have inherited another persons workload, be realistic and sensible! Stop thinking about what else might go wrong. Don't allow negativity to noodle its way into your life. You don't have to have permission to think positively. If this is you I am writing about, well I understand what you are going through. I am here to help! Maybe its time to slow down for a while, become more still go inwards and become calm. Feed your soul and spirit!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


  • Stop Fighting Change
  • Start ADAPTING
  • Clear out CLUTTER
  • Create a New Vision
  • Write New Goals