
Friday, December 18, 2009


The garden of my soul, sends you an abundance of Love, Peace and Contentment during this Christmas Season.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The devil deludes man by the art of magic.
That magic is greed and it's all around us.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This is Sues story. She had a lump removed from her breast, discharged from hospital stayed overnight with one of her brothers.
A few days later she returned to have some lymph nodes removed. Her sister in law and brother announced that they did not want her in their home overnight.
She had to arrange her own way home. No one offered support when she attended the hospital for radiotherapy!!
She felt hurt, sad, mad and was left to work through some very tough feelings.
When families fail, reach out for help!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


To be able to see the world without fear
is to see love in everything, which is very difficult. Relationships are the most complicated.
Perhaps you need to live away from
the contamination of this world.
The life of a hermit is what jumps into my mind.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Mental health is much better for those who believe in God. Religion gives meaning, purpose and direction.

Monday, November 9, 2009


The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace
Taking as He did this sinful world
as it is not as I would have it
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next
I don't know, if I would agree with all those lines, it is certainly a sinful world, corruption left, right and centre.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I made an appointment with myself today and the topic which was up for discussion was......... If everyone takes action, world wide changes occur and society becomes less self- centered? Examine the passengers in your mind?
  • What are they telling you to do?
  • Be mean and fend for yourself?
  • Be secretive to everyone, extract from them knowledge which may be advantageous to you, don't offer support to them because then they might know as much as you or it may help them progress up and above you?
Are they supporting, bragging or encouraging you?
It is all up to you, my dear readers!

Monday, October 19, 2009


No matter where you travel, throughout your life, you carry with you the landscape that you were born into. The power of the human brain, it can remember everyone, that you have ever met during your life and all the places you have visited. It is said at the moment of death that your whole life flashes before your eyes.
At very low times during your life such as stress, illness, death or divorce, feelings and memories come to the surface to be healed. This is your soul searching for healing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Wise words by St Augustine "What are kingdoms, without justice but large bands of robbers."

Monday, October 5, 2009


This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice
and be glad in it. Psalm 118

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Memories of yesterday
swirling, lost and tossed
in the screeching angry wind
unwanted, useless, forgotten, painful
I want to get rid of the chill that stung
now etched in my memory
I don't want you to steal my quite and peace
Leave me stand still for a while
it may take time
feel, hear, touch and see the anger
thaw- out, defrost
Let the winter of turbulence become the summer of content
Forgive me and you...............
Heal those scars, seal, make whole again
Chemical equilibrium
Marinate in peace, the love of God which is all creation
every man, woman and child
all living creatures, from the birds in the sky
butterflies, to the honey bees and
to my pet yoso who licks my tears away
Oh happy day

Thursday, September 24, 2009


MY friend who is an animals lover went to the local church a few weeks ago and asked the Revd Don to preform a memorial service for his pet cat. “No, certainly not for dead cats, try the church next door.” He rejected my friend and his dead cat. Revd Don was very choosy the cat was not good enough nor upmarket enough. When my wealthy friend was leaving he said, “pity my cat came to church with me every weekend. My cat was a Christian, I was going to offer you twenty thousand sterling for your new building.” When Revd Don heard those words, his ego died.
During this week my focus will be upon, how I judge people.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My editor has emigrated to a sunnier climate far away from computers. His life has changed for the better, superb man and a great friend. I wish him well.
I am looking for a new editor. Any of you like to volunteer? Very simple really, if you notice that there is an s missing or something spelled incorrectly or you may have an idea; let me know via email. Spell check does not always pick up errors. Don't let fear hold you back.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Words are powerful. They can harm, hurt, encourage or build up. Words can slice you in half and scald you ; there remains an open neurological wound. Why did that person give unwanted advice. They spoke no rays of encouragement.
Today, as I ponder over all the times my words may have unintentionally hurt another, for any pain or suffering that may have caused, I am truly sorry.
Let you this week evaluate your own words and try not to speak to soon, or give unwanted advice. Let your words be those of support, truth, encouragement and build up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I am focusing this week on having reverence for the gift of my life. Thank God for all that I have both internally and externally. Fill me with health, courage, strength, fortitude and wisdom.

Monday, August 31, 2009


When you lie people who you are lying to may not at that time know that you are lying. In fact you are lying to yourself.Your subconscious mind will record it and the next time you lie the same think happens. So you will become pretty good at lying. It may disturb your peace of mind because of the build up of so many lies. Then you have to tell another lie to cover up the first lie. Eventually the person who you are lying to has become aware that you are lying. Thats the end of the relationship. I have experienced a number of people lying to me during the past few weeks, years. The lies ripened and they got caught in a web. Signs that people are lying to you, nervousness, sudden change of subject to an item that has no connection to what you are talking about, quick talking, avoid answering the question, bluff you off, cover up, oh and watch the body language.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Open the door, come in
it's Summertime,
slip off your shoes,
tour around,
feel inspired,
thank you for dropping by and
come back again...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Lies, lies and more lies. Have you told many lies?
A few thousand?
A lie is false information given to another person with the intention of deceiving. There are small lies and big lies. Lots of big lies told over time have the ability to split a family, destroy relationships and bring down a nation. That is why we are experiencing a financial blackout, a troubled economy and the collapse of the building boom. The lies got bigger and bigger, until they ran out of control.
Time is running out!
It's time for self-reflection into all parts of your life!
Your comments please, please!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


If you seek God in earnest prayer, live your life as if you are one of God's children, supernatural gifts will be bestowed upon you, so the mystics tell us. Get rid of the giant called ego.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Every spiritual path empowers us in some way.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Everything that happens to me in life teaches me something.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


  • Stop Fighting Change
  • Start ADAPTING
  • Clear out CLUTTER from all areas of your life
  • Create a New Vision
  • Write New Goals
  • You may have to settle for less
  • Less of ..........more peace of mind, contentment..........
  • The JoY of SiMpliCity

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Between opening your eyes every morning
and closing them at night you are looking at
beauty, all Gods creation.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Please forgive Me, I forgive You... I forgive Myself

Thursday, August 6, 2009


JoY Laughter Happiness

Thursday, July 30, 2009


If you are feeling sad, try this out. Imagine you are listening to all the birds in the sky singing. Also visualise all religious people nuns, choirs, monks from all the religions in the world praying and singing around you. You will feel uplifted and find comfort, peace and power. Allow it to penetrate every minute part of your being. Cling to this sweetness.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Joy of Honesty

Friday, July 17, 2009


Experts say that all the delicious and healthy food that we eat has an impact on our genetic expression.
We are what we eat.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The glorious and radiant power of nature. The beauty of the world talks to me in many colourful flowery voices. The blossoming of Divine Beauty. Each shrub, herb, plant and flower stretching to touch the sky. Each flower opening up and spreading its rich perfume around the earth.
Nature is unconditional love.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was thinking last night, one of those hundred thoughts was, do people see kindness in me? Am I a kind person, considerate to others? What exactly do they see? Am I kind to just a select few? Am I kind to everyone? Is there time in my life for kindness? I am going to ponder about this on and off for the next week?
Kindness comes in many forms, listening, doing, helping, having mini conversations, smiling or waving to a friend. Do I acknowledge a person I recognise on the street or road, or do I pretend to busy myself, counting the stars or birds? Do I withhold information which may be of benefit to a person in need?
What kind of society have we become?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Joy of TastE

Monday, July 6, 2009


Yes, there is chaos, noise, anxiety in the world at the moment. Let us not forget that there are pearls entombed in each of us awaiting rebirth.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Gifts lay dormant in each person. The keys to releasing those gifts are through meditation, prayer, spiritual reading and purification of the body, soul and mind. The gift bestowed upon you is, you become more than you think you can ever be. The gift does not belong to you and can disappear at any time of your life.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


In between opening your eyes every morning
and closing them at night you are looking at
beauty all Gods creation.


Open the door, come in
it's Summertime,
slip off your shoes,
tour around,
feel inspired,
thank you for dropping by and
come back again...

Friday, June 26, 2009


Be kind to someone whom you reject because you think they are not upmarket enough for you. Pray for the Spirit of God in their life, to inspire them on their journey.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Lies, lies and more lies. Have you told many lies?
A few thousand?
A lie is false information given to another person with the intention of deceiving. There are small lies and big lies. Lots of big lies told over time have the ability to split a family, destroy relationships and bring down a nation. That is why we are experiencing a financial blackout, a troubled economy and the collapse of the building boom. The lies got bigger and bigger, until they ran out of control.
Time is running out!
It's time for self-reflection into all parts of your life!
If you would not like someone else to do it to you,
do not do it to someone else.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Everyone has a talent. It's a way of pleasing and
loving ourself. It brings us joy and happiness.
What's yours? Develop, coax and nourish it.
Use it!!
Marinate in it!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Our spirit is always challenged. As we progress through life we crave a nest for comfort and to ease the burden.
O God protect me and keep me safe. Hear my voice calling out, my hand knocking on your door, I lay, my petition before you and wait in expectation for an answer.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I love Summer bloom. Our artistic talented brigade display their creativity to the world. It's time to linger around in galleries and visit art festivals. My ex-employer's wife was the last daughter of King Al Saud in Saudi Arabia (he loved the very good life) was a very brilliant artist and produced masterful pieces. I loved looking at her busily producing in her studio.The Princess also organised art and jewellery events. That is jewellery costing a few million. Another very creative person in my life at that time was a Greek artist named Gantus. She was my piano teacher. Gantus was gifted with her hands and produced pieces of Art that hang on the walls in Embassy's around the Middle East. What an inspiration! Observing artists at work, it's as if they are coaxing brilliance out of their being.
Look at the magic in a piece of art whether is cost a few euros or millions. When the artist works it's time for him or her to create and celebrate. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Gems sprout
to the surface
times of crisis and transition.

Monday, June 8, 2009


All text is copyright (C) 2009 UB

Friday, June 5, 2009


Not looking after ourselves and rejecting others creates meanness that blinds our spirit.
Take a look at people who reject others. Why? They think that they are superior. It wounds our ability to live a life of fair play and justice.
It establishes greed, insecurity and poverty of heart.
We cannot be loving when we are trapped into neglecting ourselves (our weakness) and rejecting others because we think, that we are better and more superior.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Love is all around.
Don't get stuck for long periods in doubt or scarcity.
Love is walking, talking, touching, moving, laughing,
smiling, smelling, tasting, seeing and dreaming.
Love is observing the gardener, busily working in his garden, filling it with trees, hedges, flowers and vegetables.
It is observing the mother interact with her children,
people as they go about their daily chores.
Love is listening to and speaking the truth,
the mind working, reading, learning, creating, and producing.
Love is looking at the sun rise as the darkness steals away.
Love is the sun dropping joy on me.
Love is the wind that will never stop.
Is the air that I breathe.
Love is accepting everyone, not just a select few.
Love is singing, humming or meditating.
Love has no end.
Love is simplicity.
I am part of this great symphony.

Monday, June 1, 2009


If you ever are in need of a good cry,
do so, let it all fall out,
there's plenty of room on the outside!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Deep within us is a place we cannot reach.
We are aware of this place.
Is this God, who is untouchable and unreachable?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Man natural nature is be goodness, kindness, honesty and noble actions. Look inside and outside. What do you see?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There must be a master plan.
Mans understanding of events is the world is beyond our capability.
Being CEO of my own life is challenging enough for me.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Our entire life is rooted in love,
love is all around,
love keeps the world rolling along,
without love we would die..............

Friday, May 22, 2009


God help me to plan and manage one day at a time. Protect me from attacking and worrying about the future. It may never happen!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Keep longing and loving. Longing is born out of love.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Prayer is free.
Air is free without it you would die.
The best things in life are free.
When you are praying for something, don't expect an immediate reply. Have trust and hope. When your back is against the wall, go within for answers, ask for Divine guidance.
The reply may come in many forms, information from someone, a web article, a place you visit, inspiration from a radio interview or courage and bravery displayed at a rugby match. You will be nudged to take some action.

Monday, May 18, 2009


You try hard to make things happen, but some things are not meant to be, no matter how much time, energy and effort you dedicate to the venture. You need to know when to back off.
I was setting up another new business last year. It was proving to be a mammoth task, obstacle after obstacle kept popping up. I wondered was God listening to my prayers, because there are times, I think he too goes away on vacation.
Something far bigger overshadowed my plans, the human designed economy touched an iceberg. Then I knew why those obstacles kept blocking my path. I backed off and changed direction. God did answer my prayers His way. Thank you!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is a big leap for me in creating prayer spa. I was really moving outside of my comfort zone. It's brand new only a few weeks old. It is dedicated to uplifting its readers.

I want to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement. Because of the large volume of comments, I am unable to reply individually. I loved every one of them. Here is a flavour: “Enjoy your blog, it is wonderful. It is the perfect way to start the day.”

Share these messages with friends and loved ones by clicking the email link below the blog. Make sure to stay in touch by subscribing, bookmarking or visit anytime. You are very welcome!

The enjoyment prayer spa gives me you cannot buy!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Are you feeling anxious? Slow down. Sit quietly and observe your breathing. Let go of what you are obsessing about. By doing this you are moving into a restful zone. Remain in this zone for ten minutes. Feel the tension dissolve. Be aware of your peace and calm.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Summer, when it does arrive fills us with energy, strength, inspiration and an abundance of joy!
Scenes of enchantment dance before our eyes.
Senses and memory awaken.
The rejuvenation renewal is healing to our mind and body.
The landscape blooms in a thousand sweet nuances.
The blackbird and robin sing their tunes.
Bees murmur a different tune, buzz, buzz.
Fresh breeze blows through the tall majestic trees.
Flowers shine endlessly and display beautiful intermingling hues.
Let me linger here a while and breathe in this sweet perfume!
Prayer Spa(c)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Keep your dreams alive.
Pursue your goals.
Plug into your intuition, pray and trust that it will guide you, as you wend your way through your unique life.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


The biggest block to living a prosperous and contented life is decided by the organ between your ears.

Friday, May 8, 2009


All the elements of the world, earth, land, fire, wind, clouds, stars, rain, snow, sun, sky, galaxies, ocean, all creatures great and small, humankind; we are all intimately related to each other. We all rely on each other to function and survive. All creation is in this big relationship, communicating, networking together and serving each other. This perfect creation is untouchable and unachievable by man!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The sound of your breathing as you are reading,
Your thoughts fading,
The awareness of silence,
Peace within, joy in those seconds, minutes,
Secretly hidden, in the hub of love,
The sleep of the ocean, sweet and fragrant.
Love smiling on you,
Love hugging you,
Love resting in you,
Dropping bliss on you,
Free from obsessions.
(c) PrayerSpa

Monday, May 4, 2009


The world will not come to you! You will not get a guarantee that your new business idea will be a success. Believe in Yourself!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


God fill my thoughts full of great ideas, give me answers , I want to break through the difficulties that are blocking my way.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Feeling down and sad, try this out. Visualise people from all the religions in the world praying and singing around you, nuns, choirs and monks. You will feel uplifted and find comfort, peace and power. Allow it to penetrate every minute part of your being. Cling to this sweetness.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Our spirit is always challenged. As we progress through life we crave a nest for comfort and to ease the burden. O God protect me and keep me safe. Hear my voice calling out; my hand knocking on your door; I lay, my petition before you and wait in expectation for an answer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


God Bless all who read this blog. Bless each with courage, hope, endurance, peace and calm. Little adjustments can reap huge rewards.


Earth work is demanding both mentally and physically. Prayer is the royal road to peace of mind. It's a nesting place for the body, mind and spirit.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Rise up, shake off the gloom.
Confusion is everywhere at once.
Nothing left to loose only to speak the truth.
Break the law and let out the secrets.
Move from the pain and suffering of gloomy news into a new school.
In a life where your heart cries to hear the truth.
Break free and take time to understand the songs of the world.
Give yourself permission to listen and gather enlightenment.
The mind has germinating power.
Allow wisdom to burst forth.
You and me are a guest on this earth of joy!

Friday, April 10, 2009


O God, descend plentifully into all areas of my life,
and there scatter thy cheerful beams.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


If you are thinking small mired by redundancy, or you have inherited another persons workload, be realistic and sensible! Stop thinking about what else might go wrong. Don't allow negativity to noodle its way into your life. You don't have to have permission to think positively. If this is you I am writing about, well I understand what you are going through. I am here to help! Maybe its time to slow down for a while, become more still go inwards and become calm. Feed your soul and spirit!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


  • Stop Fighting Change
  • Start ADAPTING
  • Clear out CLUTTER
  • Create a New Vision
  • Write New Goals

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am strolling around my garden, the brilliant midday sun is warming my head and illuminating all around me. It is comforting and enjoyable. I am experiencing glorious moments, and allowed a glimpse of Divine power in action. It whispers echoes, of supreme creative magical moments far above the ability, fortune, power and mind of man. This is my eye meeting God's eye, and being aware of Divine rays shining on and touching me.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Love is all around. Don't get stuck for long periods in doubt or scarcity. Love is walking, talking, touching, moving, laughing, smiling, smelling, tasting, seeing and dreaming. Love is observing the gardener, busily working in his garden, filling it with trees, hedges, flowers and vegetables. It is observing the mother interact with her children. Love is observing people as they go about their daily chores. Love is listening to and speaking the truth. Love is the mind working, reading, learning, creating, and producing. Love is looking at the sun rise as the darkness steals away. Love is the sun dropping joy on me. Love is the wind that will never stop. It is the air that I breathe. Love is accepting everyone, not just a few. Love is singing, humming or meditating. Love has no end. Love is simplicity. I am part of this great symphony.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Lies, lies and more lies. Have you told many lies? A few thousand? A lie is false information given to another person with the intention of deceiving. There are small lies and big lies. Lots of big lies told over time have the ability to bring down a nation. That is why we are experiencing a financial blackout, a troubled economy and the collapse of the building boom. The lies got bigger and bigger, until they ran out of control. Cracks and crevices appeared in the foundation. Time is running out! It's time for self-reflection into all parts of your life! I was very moved by a programme on terminal illness shown some time ago. On his death bed, this terminally ill man, spoke out about how he regretted, the suffering he inflicted on one of his friends. He wished that he was able to go to that person and say, he was sorry for his actions. The greatest examination of your life happens on your death bed, don't wait until then, do it now.! Don't forget that God is sovereign over everything.

Friday, March 13, 2009


A hundred thousand welcomes to Prayer Spa. People turn to prayer when their back is against the wall, in times of sickness, financial loss, and because of the numerous unforeseen life changing events that drop unexpectedly into their life. Perhaps you are getting up in the morning and facing a blank page. If you are feeling alone, rejected, fearful and lost, remember you are not alone for we live in a chaotic age. I have been through this tunnel. I understand what you are going through. I want to help you! Prayer was one ingredient, that helped me move out of the gloom, and to get on with my life. I went inwards to my spirit and soul. As you seek out wisdom for your life, you will get answers. In the hub of Prayer Spa, I hope that you will find a new strength, courage, peace, enjoyment and understanding. Enjoy!